Floor cleaning tile cleaning gym floor cleaning Church Cleaning carpet cleaning commercial cleaning floor waxing pressure washing



Floors And Carpet


        Are your carpets looking their best?
How about your Tile floors? Shiny and clean?  or are they dull and dark?

If they’re not looking their best, perhaps you should take a look at the difference the Knight's Services Spartanburg can make. We specialize in extraction cleaning, deodorizing and
sanitizing and know how to bring back the life in tired looking carpets!
Our commercial carpet cleaning experts are known for making small
miracles happen every day. From a regular spruce up to a one-off deep
clean designed to rescue the worst of carpets; we can provide you with
exactly the kind of service you are looking for.


The benefits of having your carpets
cleaned regularly are profound. No one likes a dirty carpet. But you
cannot always see all the dirt. What appears to be a fairly clean and
presentable carpet could in fact be hiding all kinds of dirt, bacteria,
and odors. Our carpet cleaning service ensures that all the dirt you
can’t see – as well as the dirt you can – is removed and is disposed of
safely, by steam cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing. And that leaves
you with a carpet that looks and smells as good as the day it was laid.

Tile & VCT floors

Every one of your clients will walk across your floors each time they visit your business or church. They may not always look down – but they will still notice the overall condition and shine of the floors themselves, the overall impression they give. That’s why paying attention to this aspect of your business is well worthwhile. Clean shiny floors always make a facility look good and professional,. And they can make all the difference when it comes to revitalizing your facility for everyone who visits.
You may only need scrub and buffing, or maybe a full strip and re-wax! We will provide you with a honest and competitive quote to get your facility looking it's best one again!

So contact us now and see how much difference Knight's Services Spartanburg  can make for you.

For more information on our customized
cleaning services or to request a personalized estimate, call us at
864-909-2843. We will be happy to answer all of your questions.